Danielle and Maggie have a chat with Pastor Stephanie O'Brien about her new book "Stay Curious" and discuss the difference between wandering and wondering, how curiosity grows faith and what activism looks like in her life. Pastor Steph is a Pastor, Preacher, Author, and Activist living out Faith in real, practical ways in her community and abroad. She is the author of "Stay Curious: How Questions and Doubts Can Save Your Faith," is a podcast co-host with Lead Stories Podcast, the Pastor of Mill City Church, and a teacher at Bethel University. Pastor Steph leads, coaches and equips those around her to chase redemptive work with her - by taking one step in front of the other.
Pastor Stephanie Williams O'Brien
Website: http://www.pastorsteph.com
“Why did you decide to become a pastor?”
I’m often asked this question. There is the long answer that is really more of a story. The short answer? When something is your calling, it’s not like you can do something else. If so, I’d be miserable. Maybe you can relate. So I find myself here living the pastor life – stepping one foot in front of the other, just trying to join God’s restorative and redemptive work in the world. These God-chasing actions are the source of my activism.
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Pastor Steph
Areas of expertise: Coaching for pastoral ministry leadership, coaching for leaders of teams, preaching, church planting, missional community, intentional discipleship, change theories, podcasting, writing.
Stay Curious Book: https://www.staycuriousmedia.org
"We are created to be curious - to wonder, to discover, to question and yes, to doubt. Curiosity is a key part of what it means to be human. We have the cognitive ability to think beyond our immediate surroundings. We each get to choose whether to embrace curiosity, or ignore and suppress it. What would it look like if you chose to stay curious?"